The Idea Democracy
We've realised, that the only way to transform the outsourcing nightmares and horror stories to your ultimate freedom trail is to find a way to guarantee the quality of output with an important caveat. That, It needs to be achieved without any increase in the input in the form of your time and dime (essentially, Your Cost to Market and Your Time to Market). In fact, an efficient system should actually decrease the need for the input while sufficiently augmenting output.
Our decision to combine our ability to discern the Tools of the Future in the Low Code, Data Science - AI, ML & DL & the Software Robotics - RPA realm with our deep knowledge in Python & Advanced Javascript Frameworks is helping us achieve the desired balance. We like to call it 'The McDonaldization of IT' while retaining 'The Human Touch of Creativity'.
100% Work From Home & Work From Anywhere Culture