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Building & Testing an Idea should not be as hard and painful as it is today. In fact, it ought to be Faster, Cheaper & Better by a significant margin. Today, we have the technology available at our disposal and not using it to help bring more ideas to life for selfish reasons is just not fair.

Working Outdoors
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Formerly the Head of Global Business Consulting at Indus Net Technologies and more recently, a Regional Director at MongoDB. A voracious reader, perennial learner and a staunch devotee of Charlie Munger and his Mental Models.



Formerly, an IT Ninja at Indus Net Technologies. Technology stimulates me. I have worked closely with Mayukh and his team during my stint there and it's only natural that we ended up co-founding OBI :)

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Chief Evangelist

Our relationship with OBI started with Mayukh approaching me and his team helping us with an engagement at Heteronomics. While we were at it, I decided to take a stab at helping OBI bring more ideas to life.


Full Stack Practitioner

As a budding Full Stack enthusiast, I'm passionate about unraveling complex concepts and crafting clean, efficient code. With a hunger for knowledge and a commitment to ongoing growth, I eagerly embrace the dynamic nature of technology. Whether it's perfecting user interfaces or fine-tuning backend functionalities, I'm dedicated to honing my skills and delivering best results in application development & product engineering.

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Data Science Practitioner

As a fervent Junior Data Scientist, I come bearing a deep passion for the enchanting realms of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the boundless potential of Deep Learning and Machine Learning. Eager to unravel the secrets concealed within intricate datasets, I am on a quest to find a collaborative and innovative environment where my skills can flourish and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries.


Lead - AWS Data Engineer & Data Scientist

While pursuing my post graduate certification in Data Science from IIT Guwahati and Edureka and a Masters in Applied Mathematics, fell in love with numbers and eventually, with data. I enjoy working with distributed frameworks like Spark, Hive, YARN & Sqoop along with orchestration frameworks like DataBricks Native WorkFlows & AirFlow. I have done a boatload of work with AWS Lambda, EC2, Sagemaker & EMR as well. Python is a language that I am every comfortable with.

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Senior Full Stack Practitioner

I thrive at the intersection of teamwork and technology, finding exhilaration in the symphony of collaboration and the alchemy of programming, where we craft ingenious solutions that redefine what's possible.


MERN Stack Practitioner

Passionate about two things: Coding & Hip-Hop. Love to solve complex challenges thrown at me and a life long learner teeming with curiosity.

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Data Science Practitioner

During my time in college, I was introduced to the fascinating realms of Machine Learning and Data Science. As I delved deeper into these subjects, my fascination and attachment to this field grew stronger. This journey inspired me to pursue a career in the domain of data and machine learning. I am a passionate trainee in the field of data science, eagerly seeking to uncover insights from intricate datasets. Leveraging my background in Computer Science, I am committed to mastering machine learning algorithms and data visualization techniques. My objective is to leverage data-driven approaches to address real-world challenges and foster meaningful innovation. Let us embark together on this exhilarating journey of exploration and discovery.


Business Consultant

I'm the person who would build trust over fake promises. Some of the attributes that I have been honing through my year long stint in the professional arena are Integrity, Ability to learn & unlearn quickly, Energy, Problem Solving, Innovation, Dedication & leadership. I look forward to all the challenges being thrown at me so that I may learn from them.

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HR & Recruitment Specialist

Upon finishing my MBA in Human Resource Development from Calcutta University, I embarked on my professional journey as an IT Recruiter. Through this experience, I developed a deep appreciation for the pivotal role that end-to-end recruitment plays in any thriving organization, and it soon became a personal passion of mine.


I am consistently eager to tackle new challenges and confront them with my full range of abilities. I am delighted to be a member of the esteemed OBI Warriors team, and I remain committed to contributing innovative ideas that will help enhance the team's overall success.


MERN Stack Practitioner

Programming is what I love. I love creating elegant, efficient solutions to complex problems, and I enjoy collaborating with others to create innovative software products. As the world of software development evolves rapidly. I like to stay up to date with the latest evolutions in the tech space.

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DevOps & Full Stack Practioner

As a dynamic DevOps Engineer and Full Stack Practitioner, I am deeply passionate about seamlessly integrating development and operations. My expertise centers around orchestrating complex systems and optimizing processes to enhance efficiency and foster innovation throughout software development lifecycles.

Driven by a commitment to collaboration and innovation, I am dedicated to harnessing automation, continuous integration, and deployment strategies to empower teams and projects for success in dynamic environments.

   ©2024-25 One Billion Ideas Pvt Ltd

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